What Wikipedia Can’t Tell You about Introduction of internship to Class 1 of Second Batches?
Internship class started with a warm welcome and interactive chat, Deepak sir was very excited to start the second batch as there was a huge transformation with students of batch 1. It was an experimental project for taking learning seriously as there is money involved in it. He also explained how it has benefited students to improve their communication skills, removed fears of putting oneself out there and most importantly stops hesitating to communicate. This Super Power that we have today will be helpful in building a Personal brand which will make marketing and sales easy. “All is well when you sell, sell and sell.” The quote was given by Deepak sir this one-liner that stuck in my Mind.
Who is Digital Deepak “the Secret Ingredient to the Digital World”.
Deepak Kanakaraju is a Digital Marketing Consultant from Bangalore, A Civil Engineering Graduate who is also an Author, Speaker, and Trainer in the field of Digital Marketing. A passionate Biker. He started his first blog on biking He is passionate digital. Marketer and conducts workshops and also Mentors.
The Simplest Ways to Make the Best of SELF INTRO.
I’m a senior sales manager in the Apparel & Fashion industry from Mumbai for the past 20years in the offline market. To upgrade myself I was hunting for digital learning’s which would help in the growth of my career. Gradually came to know about some famous personality from India in this field where I could learn Digital Marketing Online which would serve my purpose. Amongst them all, I selected digitaldeepak.com started and following, watching videos on YouTube read some Blogs and then enrolled & completed his free digital marketing course by receiving his mails regularly came to know about a webinar on an internship. So I am here writing my first ever blog as this part of the internship program. Although fairly was confused that night of webinar on joining internship about money & learning as searched so much on the internet for the last two months finally got all my doubts cleared via mail and here with you all guys.
Key take always from Class 1 Article of Your Dreams.
-: How Golden Triangle “Learn → Do → Teach” Can Help You.
Triangle Explained by Deepak sir so simply that if you can’t teach something in a simple manner then you have not understood yourself. Learning new things should be practiced by you so teaching becomes easy. Teaching is one of the best ways to learn as Albert Einstein quoted, “if you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand enough”.
-: What Experts Are Saying About the Future of Digital Marketing?
The future of Digital Marketing will never die as the need for marketing will never die. Gayan on marketing fundamentals has been in existence since the origin of trading. As needs and products keep increasing, the need to market them will increase. what digital marketing has done is made it easier and simpler to reach potential customers. “Marketing + Technology = Digital Marketing”. As Deepak sir said, “If you want to become a good Digital Marketer, be a good marketer first”. Just learning digital marketing, will not be enough to become a good digital marketer. Customer’s needs and behavior are the key elements to become a good digital marketer.
-: How Goal for this program can Get You Your Heart’s Desire.
Deepak sir started talking about goals with a very famous quote “A person with goals and Plans can beat the intelligent person without goals and Plans” Warren Buffet. You have to set a goal then plan accordingly to achieve it Having a clear goal helps you to clarify what you want to become and how you can execute your plans for achieving that goal. Improve your communication skills and sales skills to become a blogger or affiliate marketer or agency owner to start a business or get a job.
-: The Simplest Ways of Key to Basic Skills, Communications & mastering them.
Communication is not a skill that can be taught using a textbook. it can be improved by reading and writing. It’s a very powerful tool which can help in Sales for becoming a successful professional, and also helps in Content creation. It itself helps in-depth learning trade. Easy ways to master communication are to read books listen to podcast writing about some amount daily, watch stand up comedies and sitcoms.
-: Podcasts about FINDING GOLD and selecting your NICHE.
Gold is already there we need to go behind it. India is a huge Market as we evolve in the economy and markets are ever-expanding. “The market needs always grow because solutions to needs give rise to different needs”. More and more solutions give rise to N numbers of Opportunities to do business so we need to find our Niche that should be a combination of “Passion + Talent + Market Opportunity”. Having passion will make you happy and you will enjoy doing it. There are 3 major Niche ‘Money, Health & Relationship’ from which we need to discover the Micro niche. Mastering in a category will help you to grow and become a leader. Whatever we do people will only remember №1 and not the 2nd.
-: How to Find Market Demands Make You a Better Marketer.
The Best way is to scratch your Itch as it will result in finding new market opportunities. It can also relay on online keyword tools such as Google Autosuggest, answerthepublic.com, Uber suggest and many more also can look for Amazon reviews, should also look for pre and post product services.
-: Building Personal Brand & Benefitting for Becoming the Best.
“Best known will always be the best” so do not fear in standing out, do not hesitate to publish content in different forms like publishing videos doing public speaking. Show your character & personality on social media as more you publish the more you get known which the best for personal branding is. Also, people need to hear from a person, not from brand working towards personal branding can give good job opportunities, close the clients on ease, can build your consulting and do training business.
-: How Funnel Work Can Increase your results.
Funnel is a very important aspect of Marketing, Branding & Audience building strategy. Attracting people on top of the funnel can be done by building trust and getting contact details by various means like publishing free content, educate them about your product or services. Also, a relationship can be built by automation for attracting them to convert in buying from you. In simple words, as a target set on the 1st day class of Rs 1Cr earning in 3 to 5 years can be driven by adding ’N’ No. of people to the top of the funnel. The aim should be to get 1000 potential buyers at the end of the funnel who could invest Rs 10,000 per person. Thus giving revenue of 1Cr. Also shared Video of ‘Digital Marketing Strategy of Digital Deepak’ his personal strategy and mind map.
-: The Unconventional Guide to Working of Integrated Digital Marketing.
Integrated digital marketing is an integration of multiple strategies that combine to build an online approach to our product which benefits in the long run. It involves content, SEO, Social Media ads, building an email list. Many of them rely on paid advertising for driving traffic without building relation to convert sales but if it is used wisely by driving traffic to build an email list and content marketing from there converting to sales will built long term relations with the consumer. Deepak sir also shared his blog on integrated digital marketing Integrated Digital Marketing
-: Article on Global Economics the Bulb on Moment.
Explanation on an economy which was a really ‘Bulb on Moment’ for class. It works in this manner as the average age of the country goes down, the economy goes up. India is a young country with an average age below 30 opportunities are more in the Indian market so if we are starting anything new from now will benefit us. Spending habits changes with age that affects the economy, debts are key to a healthy economy as it creates money growth. No need to worry about the recession too much as people always pay for value. Related this topic Deepak sir recommended the need to watch the movie ‘THE BIG SHOT’ also referred books like Economic 101 and Currency wars. He ended this topic with his book as free gift for class ‘The Edge of Sanity’ with his signature.
Being a offline marketer was not fond of writing and reading much but today in fact from Sunday I am listening to the recording and also read 20/25 blogs of interns posted and wrote more than 1400 words that’s amazing and frankly writing here guys Deepak sir got it right by his words in the starting of this class and also told in the webinar “As money involved people do it seriously” thanks a lot Deepak sir for this all hard work, time of yours for arranging Internship program I’m really enjoying this new journey of my life.
Last but not least gave start-up course worth 4999/- for free on this first day of class the-startup-course2.0